
发布时间:2025-02-23 20:32  浏览量:9


以下段落选取于Cornell university康奈尔大学

How Should You Take Notes?

There are many ways to take notes. It's helpful to Try out different methods and determine which work best for you in different situations. Whether you are learning online or in person, the physical act of writing can help you remember better than just listening or reading. Research shows that taking notes by hand is more effective than typing on a laptop.

consider Your Purpose

Before you start taking notes, identify how you will most likely want to use them later.



"How Should You..." 标题以 疑问句开头,吸引读者注意力,直接给出一个具体问题,引导读者寻找答案。"Take notes"固定搭配,表示 做笔记,比 "write notes" 更加地道,尤其在学习场景中使用频率极高。 类似表达:"How to Take Effective Notes?" / "What's the Best Way to Take Notes?"


英语表达 中,疑问句作为标题时,更多强调 互动感指导性,让读者感觉有问题即将得到解决;而 中文标题 更倾向于陈述式,如“如何高效做笔记”,直接给出方法或结论。 There are many ways to take notes. It's helpful to try out different methods and determine which work best for you in different situations.



"There are many ways to..."这个开头是一种 非常实用的句型,常用于介绍 多种选择或方法,为后续内容铺垫。类似表达:"There are several approaches to..." / "Many strategies exist for...""Try out"固定搭配,表示 尝试、试用,比 "try" 更加强调实际操作和亲自体验。类似表达:"Experiment with" / "Test out.""Determine which work best for you""Work best" 是一个非常简洁的表达,表示 最有效,尤其适合在方法、工具或策略选择时使用。类似表达:"Identify the most effective methods."


英语表达注重“过程+结果”,如 "try out"(过程)+ "determine which work best"(结果);而汉语更多是直接给出结果,比如“找到最适合自己的方法”。 Whether you are learning online or in person, the physical act of writing can help you remember better than just listening or reading.



"Whether... or..."表示 无论 A 还是 B,都……,是一种 双重条件句型,常用来强调 方法或情境的多样性类似表达:"Regardless of whether..." / "No matter if...""The physical act of writing" ✍️"Act of..." 是一个 学术表达,表示 具体的动作或行为,比 "the process of writing" 更加 精准且正式类似表达:"The practice of writing" / "The exercise of writing.""Help you remember better than just listening or reading"句子使用了 "better than" 进行对比,突出书写在记忆效果上的优势。类似表达:"Is more effective for memory retention than passive listening or reading."


英语强调具体动作(the physical act of writing)带来的结果(help you remember better),而中文可能更倾向于直接表达结果,例如“书写有助于记忆”。 Research shows that taking notes by hand is more effective than typing on a laptop.



"Research shows that..."典型的 学术写作开头句型,用于引出权威论证,比 "Studies say..." 更正式、更具说服力。类似表达:"Studies indicate that..." / "Evidence suggests that...""More effective than..." ✅这是一个 经典的比较句型,适合用来表达 两种方法或工具的优劣对比类似表达:"Proves to be superior to..." / "Demonstrates greater efficacy than..."


英语中“Research shows” 是一种“数据+结论”的结构,强调“根据证据得出结论”;而 汉语 可能更倾向于说“有研究表明”,强调“研究存在”,但不一定强调逻辑链条。



"Consider your purpose""Consider" 是一个非常 正式且深入的动词,比 "think about" 更强调 审慎思考和评估类似表达:"Reflect on your goals" / "Determine your objective."


英语中"consider" 强调“思考过程中的评估与权衡”,而 中文 可能更倾向于 “直接决定”,如“确定目标”。Before you start taking notes, Identify how you will most likely want to use them later.Before you start taking notes"Before":时间连词,引导一个 时间状语从句"You start taking notes":动词短语"start taking" 中,"taking" 是动名词形式,表示 “开始做笔记”类似表达:"Before you begin writing notes" / "Before taking down notes"。Identify how you will most likely want to use them later"Identify" (识别,确定):强调 主动思考明确目标,比单纯的 "know" 更加精准。"How you will most likely want to use them later":一个 宾语从句,解释 “如何使用笔记”"How":引导 方式,表示 “以何种方式”"Most likely" (很可能):表达一种 预测概率,让句子更有 弹性和真实感"Want to use them later":明确 笔记的用途,比如 复习、写论文、准备演讲 等。类似表达:"Determine how you might use your notes in the future" / "Decide on the potential use of your notes."中英文思维差异"Identify" vs. “确定”英语中 "Identify" 更强调 过程主动思考,而中文的“确定”可能更偏向 结果。英文思维中,“识别-分析-确认” 是一个 连贯的逻辑过程,不像中文有时直接“确定”就好了。"Most likely" vs. “可能”"Most likely" 强调的是一种 概率和预测,让表达 不过于绝对,留有 思考的余地。中文里可能会直接说“可能如何使用”,但英语更喜欢用这种 概率副词,让句子更加 灵活

"Take notes"(做笔记)
"Try out different methods"(尝试不同的方法)
"Determine which work best"(找出最有效的方法)
"Consider your purpose"(考虑你的目的)
"More effective than..."(比……更有效)
"Research shows that..."(研究表明)

总结:本文通过一系列 实用的表达和搭配,展示了如何 有效做笔记。英语表达中注重 “过程+结果”,并通过 疑问句对比结构 提升文章的 吸引力和逻辑性。✨

